Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Burger Quest

There are many ways to find good food in Zürich. The best one is still by exploring all the places yourself. All you need is infinite time, money and space in your stomach.  
(Which, after watching Interstate 60, is not necessarily a worthwile experience. Unfortunately I didn't find an english version of that scene, but only an italian one. I hope you'll get the story anyway. If not, this movie is definitely worth watching.)
What do you think? I used to think that a never full stomach would be cool. Now I'm happy I didn't get the chance to wish that.

The first two Burger Places
Anyway. I'll give you a quick overview about the last two burger episodes of our quest. We actually are working on a scale to evaluate the burgers with equal terms, but so far we haven't yet established it completely. BUT, as I promised some burger information soon, here's the first two.

Korner, the gourmetburger place, got a pretty good score. The restaurant opened its doors about 6 weeks ago and already has a reputation for their burgers. Our group in general came to the conclusion that:

  • The burger is extraordinary. Meat quality is very good and the cooking (standard about medium rare) emphasizes the taste very well. Their sauces seem to be nice, although add-ons cost extra, too.
  • The side dishes though were a bit disappointing. The fries were overdone and the onion rings were limp and tasteless. The good thing is that they have to be ordered separately, so best thing to do is just to leave them away. 
  • Service was nice and correct.
  • Price-value is justified, given the special care they invest in the quality and the cooking of the meat (again as long as you don't add side dishes, as they would in my opinion tilt the price value ratio to overpriced). for a decent meal (including sides) you'll end up with about CHF 28-30.-

Conclusion for this place: If you're looking for the best burger in town, period, this one is definitely very high in the ranking. 

The second place we went was Regenbogenbar. Given the fact that they are actually a bar with some added food, their choice of dishes is quite big. But what about the burgers?
  • The burger itself is loaded with goodies. Apart from the meat, you get a very well blended mixture of coleslaw, tomato, onions, pickles (if you like them) and sauce. The meat quality, however, doesn't quite match the one in Korner. 
  • The sides (fries) are golden and crunchy, and they are included in the basic price. For me personally that's a plus
  • The service was - as said, more bar - like but enjoyable
  • Price-value is - compared to the other places we've been - very good. You get a meal that will likely stuff you for just a little more than CHF 20.-
That's it for now about the burgers, but we still have a long list of places to check, and I'll keep you posted every now and then. :)

En guete!


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